Applied Music

Instrumental, Vocal, Strings or Piano Performance

PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Bachelor of Music program emphasizes the development of skills, concepts, and sensitivities essential to the professional life of a musician. The applied music program has four separate tracks: instrumental, piano, strings or vocal. The programs are professional music degrees intended for students wishing to pursue careers as performers (as soloists and/or ensemble musicians) and teachers (especially at the college level), although other career options are possible.

FACULTY The Music Department includes 22 full-time faculty, many with doctorate degrees. All full-time faculty are engaged in teaching classes from the introductory to advanced levels.

ACADEMIC PREPARATION Intensive experiences in music study and performance are required in order to be eligible for consideration. Students are selected for admission by the music faculty through an audition/interview process.

REQUIREMENTS FOR MAJOR The instrumental track (piano, strings, wind, and percussion instruments) in the Bachelor of Music curriculum takes 39 to 40 hours in the applied major and minor, 31 to 34 hours in music theory and history-literature, and eight hours of ensemble, plus the Drake Curriculum and free electives. (Hours vary according to each instrument; students should consult with advisers for specific number of hours.)

The vocal track in the Bachelor of Music curriculum takes 43 hours in applied music, 33 hours in music theory and history-literature, and eight hours of ensemble, plus the Drake Curriculum and free electives. Fulfillment of the foreign language requirement for the vocal major is to be approved by the student’s adviser.

An acceptable senior recital of approximately one hour’s duration in the student’s major applied music field is required.

REQUIREMENTS FOR MINOR The minor in music is intended for students with musical skills who do not wish to pursue careers in music. This program does not satisfy the requirement for certification in a minor teaching area. The minimum requirement for the minor is 24 credit hours. Music history/ literature and music electives must be chosen in consultation with a designated music faculty adviser. An audition is required in the applied music area.

DRAKE CURRICULUM The Drake Curriculum, required of all undergraduates, is designed to help students meet personal and professional goals as they acquire fundamental knowledge and abilities in ten Areas of Inquiry, including communication, critical thinking, artistic experience, historical consciousness, information and technology literacy, international and multicultural experiences, scientific and quantitative literacy, values and ethics, and engaged citizenship. Students work closely with their academic advisers to craft a program of study in general education that prepares students for civic and professional leadership.

The Drake Curriculum also requires a First Year Seminar, which fosters development of critical thinking and written and oral communication skills through a topical focus, and a Senior Capstone in which students demonstrate the capacity to bring information, skills, and ideas to bear on one project.

INTERNSHIPS & OPPORTUNITIES Many pedagogical experiences are available teaching private students in the public schools, Drake University Community School of Music, or beginning students in methods classes.

CAREER OPTIONS For most students, an undergraduate degree is only the first step; graduate study will be required in almost every case. Drake has a proven success rate in placing students in performance degrees at nationally recognized institutions.

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES Bachelor of Music students participate intensively in the opportunities provided by the music department.
