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About Us

The College of Arts and Sciences is a community of life-long learners engaged in the creative use of knowledge, culture, and reflection to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Through its interdisciplinary programs, offerings in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and fine arts, the college prepares you for a productive career, active leadership and responsible citizenship in the global and diverse community of the future.

The College offers degree programs in the full range of arts and sciences disciplines and interdisciplinary programs, enabling you to lay the groundwork for a career in business, the arts, and the professions, including teaching.

It also provides the liberal education experiences for students in the University's undergraduate professional programs, and, through its School of Fine Arts, addresses the artistic needs of all members of the Drake community.

About the College

With 44 majors in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and fine arts, the College of Arts and Sciences spans a vast territory of human knowledge and provides the foundation of the liberal arts at Drake.‌

Your experience in the college will combine breadth and depth—exposure to an impressive range of ideas and thorough immersion in fascinating projects.

Whatever your area of interest, you will learn to write well, to think critically and creatively, to pose powerful questions, and to search out the answers, gaining exceptional preparation for future success.

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